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Quatuor Brac

Duo Uliben

Music - dance




Quatuor Brac + Thomas Lehn

Tiziana Bertoncini --- Soizic Lebrat --- Benoit Cancoin - Vincent Royer - Thomas Lehn

Violon - violoncelle - contrebasse - Alto - Synthétiseur analogique

Quatuor BracThomas Lehn

The first meeting of the quartet with Thomas Lehn took place in Cologne in November 2021. In December 2022 a second concert was given in Ausland - Berlin. Two musical worlds, two histories of music that dialogue with each other in the most coherent and inventive way, as shown by these excerpts from the Berlin concert:


Extrait 1 -

Extrait 2 -

Extrait 3 -

Extrait 4 -

Extrait 5 -

Extrait 6 -






